Golden Child's fanclub memberships have jumped from platform to platform. With the Goldenness 3rd generation membership expiring on June 30th, 2022 via Vlive, Woollim opened up Golden Child's 4th generation membership on Weverse. Weverse is different in that you need to first buy the fanclub membership, then the fan kit sales period opens up at a later time. Also the intro of this post is a bit jumped because I wasn't keeping tabs on this transition from Vlive to Weverse (this was during Golden Child's first tour), but next are key dates I did track. On August 8th, Woollim extended the application period through August 22nd, with the active membership period until June 30th, 2023. Then on October 17th, Woollim opened up an additional sign up period until November 17th. A few minutes later, Woollim also announced that the 4th membership kit sales period is open now until November 17th, also via the Weverse Shop, with a preview of the membership kit. On December 14th, Woollim announced that the membership kits were originally to be shipped sequentially in December, but have been postponed to January.
Membership benefits include: a digital membership card, the opportunity to purchase exclusive products and content (early release, lower price, etc.), membership-only content on Weverse, the opportunity to pre-book events / participate in raffles / apply for music shows, and the opportunity to purchase a membership kit.
I had made my Weverse account, linked my Weverse account to the Global Weverse Shop, then purchased my Goldenness 4TH MEMBERSHIP for $23 USD on July 17th. I converted the KRW and JPY prices (25,000₩ KRW and 2,500¥ JPY) and found that USD was more expensive, however I couldn't pay in a different currency. It was crucial that I linked my Weverse account number with my purchase so that my membership carried into the Weverse app. This membership shows that it is valid from July 1st, 2022, through June 30th, 2023.
Once the fan kit sale period opened on October 17th, I used the Weverse Shop app to make the purchase. The fan kit itself was $14 USD, and shipping to the US was $41.22 USD, for a total of $55.22 USD. The app conveniently takes PayPal. I received a shipping notification from Weverse Shop (both the app and an email) that my kit was shipped on January 10th via DHL.

My package arrived on January 12th. It's so weird seeing Golden Child merch arrive in a Weverse box 😅

The membership kit came in a bubblewrap bag with lots of unnecessary room, but overall well protected.

Here is the fankit packaging! The membership card came in a clear resealable bag outside, but all other contents are inside a pretty matte pastel blue outbox with glossy pastel pink accents; the pink is embossed on top of the outbox, like the text on the Pump It Up album covers. The top corner states "GOLDENNESS" with a "4', and the bottom states "GOLDEN CHILD 4TH FANCLUB".

The backside reveals the envelope style packaging. The flap lists all 10 members' names. The bottom half, though hard to see, has a rectangle marking to indicate where the membership card should be.

Opening up the flap we can see the entirety of the backside of the outbox. All the text in pink again has that glossy, embossed design, which contrasts well on the matte blue.

Here are how the contents were inside the outbox, with the coaster on top, followed by the photocard set, postcard set, and then the booklet.

The contents of the fankit include the outbox, membership card, booklet, message postcard set, photocard set, and silicone coaster. All items pictured here aside from the booklet were packaged in their own clear resealable bag.

Here are all of Golden Child's fanclub cards so far. This is the first year where the name or ID number aren't displayed on the front of the card. The small print on this year's card reads "GOLDEN CHILD 4TH FANCLUB" and "MEMBERSHIP CARD". All cards have a matte finish and are thick like a credit card.

The backside has information in both Korean and English, the Woollim authentication seal, and full name and ID number at the top. Instead of a place to sign, there is a barcode. The information states the following:
- This Membership Card verifies that vearer holds a Goldenness 4TH MEMBERSHIP.
- The bearer of this Membership Card will receive Goldenness 4TH MEMBERSHIP benefits for the duration of the valid dates.
- Please present a photo ID together with this card when using Membership Card.
- This Membership Card cannot be sold, transferred or lent to another individual.
- Please ensure that this Membership Card is kept safe and secure, as a lost card cannot not be reissued. (Yes there were extra unnecessary words in this sentence).

The message postcard set came in age order, with 1 card per member. The photos are all so soft and pretty~

The backsides of the postcards have a pretty "G" design matching the outbox and membership card, along with the members' printed handwritten messages. The postcards are A6 size (4.1" by 5.8"), have a matte finish, and are more on the flimsy side.

The photocard set comes with 20 cards, with 2 per member and in age order.

The backsides all have a similar design to the outbox, with the member's name printed at the bottom. The photocards have a glossy finish.

Here are all 18 photocards! I really love this photoshoot; it just looks so serene and natural~

And now onto the coaster! I'm really happy that Woollim included a random practical item in the fankit. This coaster is so pretty with the pastel blue, and then the pastel pink layered in. It's really intricate and brings together the 4th generation design so well.

The coaster is thick too, to my surprise, and the bottom provides a nice grip onto the surface of a table, as it's made of silicone. The coaster is just over 3.5" in diameter.

Here is the coaster on display; the W Ground glass mug fits perfectly on it!

And lastly, the booklet! The front cover is so gorgeous with a smiley family photo of OT9. The covers have a matte finish and the booklet is slightly smaller than 6.7" by 8.3". The booklet is a bit flimsy but the photos are perfection!

The back cover has an aesthetic image, along with the new Goldenness logo in the center and the 10 members' names printed at the top and bottom. I'm so glad they do list out all the members names so that Daeyeol is still present!

This booklet contains 24 pages, including both covers. The booklet starts off and ends with these 2 blankish pages. If only they added more photos of Golcha instead...

The booklet starts off with a gorgeous 2-page spread of Y!

There is 1 individual photo and page per member (other than Y). I love how all these individual photos maximize the space.

There is a small photo of the first 4 members. I love how this group photo looks so impromptu!

And then a 2-page spread containing another group photo. I absolutely love this; it really looks like a family photo!

The middle of the booklet contains another adorable family portrait. At first I was disappointed that this was a booklet instead of a thicker photobook like in the 2nd and 3rd generation kits, but now I appreciate the booklet style so that we can have beautiful 2-page spreads without any detail being lost in the binding.

The second half of the booklet contains photos from the remaining 5 members. This is such a pretty group photo!

There is another really adorable family photo. It would be so pretty to enlarge all of these group photos and hang them up...

The mix of outdoor/backyard shots and indoor/window shots is really beautiful; I love all the natural sunlight that just makes the boys look so radiating.

I've been trying really hard not to bring any bias talk into this post, but I really can't help it...they really ended the photobook with such perfection 🥰

I especially love how the packaging of Golden Child's fankits has really upgraded. It arrived in almost perfect condition, and this is the first time it includes an outbox worthy for display, which is convenient in storing the booklet. I put the 4th generation outbox next to the 2nd generation and 3rd generation photobooks; it's nice how the pop of color brings a bit of life to this shelf^^
Overall, I'm really happy with this membership kit. Golden Child is the first artist where I have consistently joined every generation, and it's fun seeing the evolution of the Goldenness logo and membership card. This generation's photoshoot is definitely my favorite so far as well because of how cozy and natural yet ethereal the boys look. And I love the combination of photos and practical items in this kit. As for actually making use of the membership card, I've been lucky to have used my 1st generation card for Future And Past ticketing, but my 2nd and 3rd generation cards were left untouched. We'll see about this time!