
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Face Shop Herb Day 365 Cleansing Foam - Acerola Review

The Face Shop is known for using natural ingredients and for creating great skincare products, and the brand's Herb Day line fits these concepts perfectly.  Herb Day has a variety of products, such as cleansing foam, cleansing tissue wipes, cleansing cream and massage cream.  These products come in various organic flavors, with the most diverse selection of flavors for the cleansing foam.  Here I'll be reviewing my Herb Day 365 Cleansing Foam - Acerola sample, which I received from my purchase at The Face Shop in San Francisco's Japantown.
I didn't know what acerola was, but based on the image it looks like a cherry.  After a quick Google search, I figured out it's a type of tropical cherry from Central and South America, as well as the tropics around the world.  The sample is entirely in English, with the front stating that this is for all skin types and the back listing the ingredients.  The Face Shop's webpage gives more detailed information on the product.  Each flavor targets a specific need; acerola is suggested for whitening skin.  The online descriptions states that this product is "a mild, natural cleanser, effective in cleansing and brightening."  To use, rub on your face until the product is foamy, and rinse off.
The consistency is rather smooth and liquidy, making it easy to use.  This cleanser has a slight pinkish hue that turns white as it's mixed.  With lots of water, it easily foams.  The amount pictured above is very abundant for washing the entire face.

  • The mild, cleanliness scent isn't overpowering nor bothersome.
  • My face feels and looks clean afterwards.
  • It is very smooth and mild, making this cleanser gentle on the skin.
  •  This product seems too mild, and seems equivalent to using plain hand soap.
Overall, as a mild cleanser or for someone with sensitive or very healthy and normal skin, this isn't a bad product. Of course, I'd have to use this cleanser frequently until I can judge whether or not my skin has gotten brighter and whiter.  In all honesty, I probably won't buy this product because it is too mild and the effects seem comparable to using an ordinary bar of soap. 

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